tribes arise
Calling forth God’s original purpose for our Native American Nations
Safe Houses for Native children. Restoration of the Family Unit. Unified Kingdom Leadership.
“Genevieve is a member of her mother’s Oglala Lakota Sioux Tribe of South Dakota, and Founder of tribes arise Int’l. She currently serves as Exec Director of NAOMI House Arizona + Founder of NAOMI House South Dakota; safe houses that are serving Native American children in need, around the clock. As an apostolic-teacher, author, and child-advocate ambassador Genevieve is releasing a Clarion Call to First Nations: “As spiritual spearheads, mantled with a genuine apostolic mandate and responsibility, it is time to arise, mobilize, and govern from a place of agape love, humility, and unity”. Over the ‘host people’ of this land, God is releasing a tip-of-the-spear anointing to thrust First Nations into their strategic place in the Body of Christ. Knowing first-hand the power of God to deliver from darkness, she is passionately equipping others to find freedom and discover purpose, proclaiming the life-changing message of hope found in Christ.